

Hi 👋 I’m Max. You have stumbled across my blog where I write about cloud computing, tech, travel and more. Currently, I work as a Cloud Engineer at Oracle. I graduated from University of Vienna with a degree in Business Informatics and have worked as a full stack developer after that. Since I regularly work on cloud technologies, I’ve decided to share some of my learnings in this blog. I hope you find something entertaining or insightful ✌️

For any inquiries you can reach out to me by mail.

About this blog

This blog is hosted completely for free on Oracle Cloud free tier (in combination with Cloudflare DNS and CDN). See an overview of the architecture below.

The blog is based on the static-site generator Jekyll. Netlify CMS is used to manage the blog content. Netlify CMS commits all changes to a Git repository hosted by Github. There are Github action pipelines in place, which build the page using Jekyll and use scp to copy the static files to the webserver.

Also checkout this article where I go into more details on how I built this blog.